of us love gardening. I myself love roses, wildflowers, dinnerplate Daliahs, Lilies, Rose of Sharon, Lilacs, Holley
Hocks, Peony - both tree and herbacious varieties, fruits, herbs and vegetables, etc. I do have a tendency to grow uncommon
plants that you do not find many places.
Flowers and any greenery add such a beautiful
touch to the landscape and inside the home. The radiant colors and intoxicating fragrances of flowers and plants
makes us forget the old saying " never judge a book by it's cover."
Though nature is beautiful, not all of it
is safe for our pets. Many plants are indeed very dangerous and could prove fatal if we are not careful.
There are some plants that are very beneficial
for filtering air pollution and cleaning the air :
Areca Palm
English Ivy
Arrowhead Vine Golden
Boston Fern
Peace Lily
Spider Plant
Dwarf Date Palm
Striped Dracaenea
Definitely do keep a number of air cleaning plants in your home if you have a fairly green thumb.
Some, like the Pothos and Spider Plant are easy to keep. Just keep them out of the reach of your pets and keep the leaves
clean so they can filter the air efficiently. I find Spider Plants love bathrooms - especially after a hot shower with
all the steam/moisture in the air - the leaves tend to grow very wide. I grew one in plain sand in the bathroom and
it flourished with leaves so wide no one could believe it.
Pothos love being atop refridgerators probably
due to the heat eminating from the top which keeps the roots warm.
For all of you plant lovers out there, may
I suggest a wonderful website :
USDA Plants Database
and especially...........
US Fish & Wildlife
Endangered Wildflowers / Plants
Also, for the best heirloom seeds in
town that your ancestors used , open -pollinated ( non-hybrid ) and untreated, seeds that are NOT genetically
engineered, organic fertilizers, a guide to growing Organically, medicinal herbs, books, non-toxic insect control products,
etc., go to this excellent website:
Heirloom Seeds
Visit Horticulture, America's most respected
gardening magazine - online.
You can also sign up for a free issue of the magazine
to be mailed to you ! Great site..........
Below is a list of plants found to be dangerous to our feline family members. Please take the time to read it
and if you have any of these plants in your home - keep them far out of reach of your pets.